“Prison” by Jon Worth is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, cropped and color corrected.
Repairs had to be completed one half-floor at a time, in non-sequential order, predominantly at night, with extensive background checks and new clearance badges given to workers before project commencement.
About the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
The John E. Goode Pre-Trial Detention Facility in downtown Jacksonville, FL is the largest pretrial detention facility in Duval County. The 13-level facility contains six main floors with mechanical levels in-between and a basement. Starting in 2019, Simpson Environmental provided the initial comprehensive inspection and subsequent repairs of the HVAC system and equipment of all 13 levels.
Being a detention facility, this work required careful consideration for both security practices and the safety of the Simpson Environmental team. Mechanical repairs were completed one-half floor at a time in non-sequential order, determined by which section of which floor had the least number of occupants at any given time. The majority of the work was completed at night while inmates were asleep, and the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office performed extensive background checks on all workers, providing them with new clearance badges prior to project commencement.
Several separate air handlers were serviced on every floor, as well as the replacement of the majority of the air dampers, general repairs, and duct cleaning performed on every floor of the facility. The COVID-19 pandemic went into full effect during this project, but Simpson Environmental was able to stay flexible and adjust to the customer’s revised schedule. Limited accessibility and maneuverability in a 24/7 operational facility makes work like this take twice as long as usual, but the project was completed efficiently within the expected timeframe regardless.
Case Details
HVAC Air Duct and System Cleaning
Jacksonville, FL
Year Built
Year Remediated